Important Preparation for Kendo Grading Exam

Important Preparation for Kendo Grading Exam

The condition of your bogu and shinai is one of the crucial factor in preparation for your kendo grading exam.

We would like to advise some key points to check and prepare from bogu store’s point of view.

1. Prepare your bokuto:
There will be a kata portion for kendo grading exam.
You will be required to prepare shoto (kodachi) depending on the rank you are grading.
We recommend you to pick up a shoto with a same material, wooden pattern and colour.

Additionally, bokuto can curve depending on the quality of the wood and how it was stored.
You will not be able to swing straight with a such bokuto.
Checking for these details are very important for you to maximize your performance.

2. Bogu’s maintenance:
On the day of grading, your strikes’ accuracy could get influenced from your bogu part’s and/or leather’s damages.
Damages on kote is very noticeable. Your tenouchi will not be good if the leather is ripped.

Make sure you also check men himo, do himo, and chichikawa; you will not be able to do anything if it rips on the spot.
It is recommended for you to replace them in advance if you see any damages.
In kendo grading, overall dignity and the quality of characters are considered; thus, you should also consider the your appearance in addition to your skill.

Common maintenance that you should consider is the urushi peeling from your men-buchi (the rim of the men) and the indigo dye fading from bogu, kendo gi and hakama.
You should repaint the men-buchi and redye your equipment if necessary.

Although there is no need for you to purchase a new equipment, you should always consider your appearance and dignity as the bushi (samurai) is the origin of kendo.
Time is required to do repairs and maintenance, and the waiting time gets longer as the grading exam date approaches.
So make sure you bring your equipment to repair with enough time prior to the grading exam.

3. Preparation for new bogu set:
Purchasing a new bogu set is one of the great decision you can do.
The new bogu set’s indigo colour and shape will give out much better impression of appearance.
It is also recommended to pick the right bogu set for yourself; comfortableness, sizing, design, etc.
Nice bogu can give a positive impression to the examiners.

Lightweight bogu is recommended for the grading exam.
Grading exam is not a competition, but each strikes will be a great factor to determine you qualify that rank.
Picking the right bogu for youself to not be behind your opponent is important.
On the other hand, heavier bogu is recommended for somebody who tends to get nervous and strikes a lot. Striking too many hits are not favourable during the grading exam. Make sure you understand your kendo to prepare the right bogu for yourself.

Using the equipment that you are familiar with is crucial during the grading exam. Brand new bogu can be hard and it takes time to break it in.
Make sure you use it well to soften up your bogu if you’ve purchased it right before the exam.
Bogu stores with craftsman will offer softening services as well. Do not self judge anything uncertain, and it is recommended to check with your sensei.

4. Maintenance and preparation of shinais:
The balance and durability of shinai has a direct connection to your strikes’ accuracy. It is very important to check if there is no splinters or cracks on your shinai before the grading exam.

It is also recommended to replace any damaged parts too.
Purchasing a new shinai can be a good choice too if you have been using your shinai for a long time.

Picking out the right shinai for your style and body is important preparation for your exam. Light shinai helps you swing faster; whereas, heavier shinai helps you strike stronger.

Bogu store will have various types of shinai; thus, you should be able to pick out one that suits you the most.

Having a spare shinai on the day of the grading exam is also important in case your shinai breaks. It is recommended to have two to three spare shinais with you to prevent troubles.

With all these preparations, you will feel more confident and should be able to focus on your skills and performance to challenge the grading exam.

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